Writer • Coach • Consultant
"Somewhere between your left brain and your right brain there is a point of optimum balance. It's the point where reason meets intuition, action meets stillness, passion blends with purpose and creativity finds its language. It's the home of your Personal Power." Roxana Valea
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What I'm About

Whether travel journals, women fiction or non-fiction my books have one thing in common: they talk about believing in dreams and how to make them come true.

I believe in a blend of approaches to help people become the best versions they can be. I do this through coaching, Reiki and shamanic energy medicine.

My online courses are based on shamanic energy medicine and mindfulness and teach people how to improve their wellbeing, raise their vibration and create their dream life.

I'm passionate about entrepreneurship and I help start-ups grow from within, by focusing on people and processes. Check out my two consulting companies!

About Me
My life and my career have been constantly moving between the analytical, logical and rational aspects of my left brain and the intuitive, passionate and creative right brain. I have an MBA from one of the top business schools in Europe. And I am also a travel writer. I have built a career in management consulting. And I have put it on hold more than once to follow my passions.
I can analyse a business and I have worked as a consultant and programme manager for top companies such as Apple, Sony and eBay. I have used my analytical skills and traditional business tools for them, but it is only when I have crossed the line and started working intuitively that I have delivered my best results.
I have followed my puzzling and often contradictory life path as it has taken me from right to left and back again, on sharp turns and through abrupt changes, from the meeting rooms of the corporate world to the jungles of Africa. I have learned from Fortune 500 executives and passionate entrepreneurs as well as from shamans and intuitive psychics. I can make sense of the numbers on a spreadsheet and I can also sense and work with the energy of a business.
I am a management consultant, a coach and a writer. I am also an energy medicine practitioner and a Reiki therapist. I carry all these worlds within me, and I respect and trust each of them. And I have dedicated my life and work to bringing them together. Because, somewhere between the left brain and the right brain, there is a fine point of equilibrium.
Personal Power - Chapter 1
I believe in Personal Power. This book is the foundation of my personal transformation work. Read the first chapter for free here: